MARCH 13, 2025

Air quality is in the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups range, which poses health risks, especially for sensitive groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory or heart conditions.
Limit strenuous outdoor activities.

Air Pollution Control Bureau Selects Air Monitoring Manager

Chattanooga, Tenn. – May 18, 2023 – The Chattanooga-Hamilton
County Air Pollution Control Bureau (Bureau) announces the selection
of Claudia Gillman-Acuña as the new Air Monitoring Manager of the
Bureau. She succeeds Mary Kathryn Jones, who retired after serving as
Air Monitoring Manager for the past 26 years.

In her role as Air Monitoring Manager, Mrs. Gillman-Acuña will manage
the air monitoring program to ensure regulatory compliance for the
Bureau and Hamilton County, Tennessee.

“I am excited and pleased that Claudia Gillman-Acuña has agreed to be our next Air Monitoring
Manager for the Air Pollution Control Bureau. Claudia has considerable experience across the
environmental industry, including asbestos, that will apply to her air quality responsibilities
here at the Bureau,” says Executive Director, Ron Drumeller. “She was a local candidate, which
we were surprised, and pleased, to find someone local with her type of experience. On behalf of
the Bureau, we are looking forward to working with her on this challenging job.”

Mrs. Gillman-Acuña comes to the Bureau with more than 15 years of environmental experience,
which includes overseeing environmental projects to ensure regulations are met. Throughout
her career, she has overseen a variety of environmental areas as an environmental consultant
and project manager, including many relating to asbestos, air monitoring, lead, radon, and
HAZMAT activities.

“It has resonated for a while… bloom where God has planted you, and never before, have I felt
so assured that Chattanooga is our family’s perfect place to grow. I hope to honor this city with
honesty and hard work, so that I can excel at the challenges that will come my way,” Mrs.
Gillman-Acuña says. “Thanks, Chattanooga, for welcoming us and making us feel like part of
the community. I look forward to serving you all!”