About Us

Mission Statement

The Air Pollution Control Bureau, founded in 1969, is a quasi-governmental agency that strives to administer, and enforce, local air pollution control laws that are intended to achieve, maintain and exceed such levels of air quality as will protect human health and safety and to the greatest degree practicable, prevent injury to plant and animal life and property, and foster the comfort and convenience of the people.  


General Information

The Board of Directors guides the Bureau’s efforts. This board is made up of 10 members: three county-appointed members, three city-appointed members, three joint-agency members, and a representative from the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department.

The Bureau’s day-to-day operations are carried out by a 13 member staff.  We have three departments: Air Monitoring, Engineering, and Administrative.

The Bureau has an exciting history, having played a major role in taking Chattanooga from the most polluted city in the nation, to one known for its revitalization and outdoor activities.  Chattanooga has been labeled as one of the most livable cities in the nation and we are proud of the Bureau’s and the citizens’ continuous efforts to keep our city that way.

Air Pollution Control Board

The Air Pollution Control Board guides the Bureau’s initiatives to maintain clean air for our community.

Board Members:

Stephen Meyer – Chairman

John Tucker, LL.M – Vice Chairman

Val deOlloqui

Dawn M. Ford, Ph.D.

Colleen Russell

Sandra Koss

Shea Cofer

Roger Rupp

Mark Harrison

Rob Ellis

The Bureau’s daily operations are carried out by a 13 member full-time staff, under the direction of the Board, as stated in this document.


Executive Director – Ron Drumeller

Administrative Department
Director of Operations – Amber Boles
Operations Manager – Jim Holloway
Administrative Support Specialist – Kaitlyn Segari
Administrative Support Assistant – Michelle Reyes
Investigator & Asbestos Specialist – Brandon Segari

Air Monitoring Department
Air Monitoring Manager – Tyler Cantrell
Air Pollution Instrument Technician – Jim Long 
Air Pollution Instrument Technician – Steve Langston

Engineering Department
Engineering Manager – Alan Frazier, P.E.
Engineer – Sydney Spencer
Engineer – Austin Terrell
Engineer – Miguel Vega


The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau’s fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th.  The Bureau receives funds from the following sources: City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Environmental Protection Agency, and permit fees.

The Bureau does not receive any money from civil penalties that are assessed.  All civil penalties received for air pollution violations are divided between the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County based on each government’s appropriations to the Board.