MARCH 28, 2025

People with lung disease such as asthma, children and teens, older adults, and people who are routinely active outdoors for six or more hours a day -- take any of these steps to reduce your exposure: Choose less strenuous activities (like walking instead of running) so you don't breathe as hard. Shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors. Be active outdoors when air quality is better. No burning is allowed until further notice.

Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Gasoline dispensing facilities in Hamilton County are required to use Stage 1 Vapor Recovery Systems to reduce the release of pollutants into the air as gasoline is transferred from a delivery vessel to a stationary storage tank.  The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau (APCB) permits the gas stations and conducts annual inspections to make sure they are in compliance with the conditions of their permits.

Return to:
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau
2034 Hamilton Place Blvd., Ste 300
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Return to:
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau
6125 Preservation Drive, Ste 140
Chattanooga, TN 374