The Bureau will be closed on

Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Seasonal Burning Permits

Burning Permit Application Fees

Seasonal burning is allowed with a valid permit in Hamilton County from October 1st to April 30th of each year.  Burning permits are issued to individuals or businesses that are planning to burn less than two acres of brush in a burn season.  Burning is limited to clean, raw, untreated, non-manufactured wood or natural vegetation.  All City permits require an inspection prior to issuing a permit. 

Conditions to Burn

The required conditions to burn are below.  They are also provided on the burning permit issued by the Bureau.

1. The applicant hereby agrees to burn only vegetation and clean, raw, untreated, non-manufactured wood materials on approved burning days only.

2. Burning is only allowed in the months of October, November, December, January, February, March, and April subject to the following conditions.

3. Each day before you burn, call the information line after 8:30 a.m., or go online to to check the burning status.

4. Contact your local fire department each day prior to burning.

5. Only burn if conditions are favorable to burn without creating a nuisance from smoke and ash.

6. Burn piles shall not be larger than 8′ x 8′ x 8′.  Material to be burned is limited to 12 inches in diameter.

7. Do not burn paper, cardboard, OSB, plywood, engineered products, vinyl siding, insulation, treated or painted wood, PVC pipes, tires, stumps, roofing materials, sheet rock, plastics, household garbage, or any other obviously polluting material.

8. Burning is allowed between specific hours on approved burning days. (See permit for hours)  The fire shall be completely extinguished by the termination times. No smoldering is allowed after the termination times. Do not used dirt to try to extinguish the fire. 

9. The fire shall be attended at all times and the permit must be at the burn site and readily available for inspection.

10. The permit is valid for materials removed and/or generated from the burn site address.  The burning of  materials from off-site locations is prohibited.

11. This permit can be suspended or revoked at any time by the Executive Director of the Air Pollution Control Bureau.

12. A Forestry Permit must also be obtained between October 15th and April 30th for all burning which occurs within 500 feet of forests, woodlands or grasslands.  This permit is issued by the Tennessee Division of Forestry.  More information can be found online at

WARNING: Non-compliance with any of the above conditions could result in civil penalties up to $25,000 per day.

Brochure-Don't Get Burned